

Open Blender and go to Edit -> Preferences -> Add-ons -> Install and select the EasyStates add-on zip file. Then enable the add-on by checking the checkbox next to it. After it is enabled, the add-on tab will be in the View3D sidebar.

Add-on Panel

Scene States

All add-on features are based on scene states. A scene state is a set of scene modifiers that can be applied to a scene. Each scene state holds its own set of scene modifiers, and you can easily switch between them in the viewport or render one or multiple scene states at once.

You can create a new scene state by clicking the “Add Scene State From Current View” button, which will create a new scene state with a new camera in the current view assigned to it.

You can also select one or multiple existing cameras to create a new scene state from them. Double-click the scene state name to rename it.

Batch Add Cameras

You can also delete, move up or down, and duplicate scene states using the buttons on the right side of the scene state list.

Manage Scene State

Scene Modifiers

Scene modifiers give the add-on its power; you can literally change anything in the scene with them. We have a special section explaining each of them in the documentation.

Scene Modifiers

By default, only the Camera Modifier is enabled, but you can enable the others by clicking the button to the left of the “Scene Modifiers” title.

Adding Scene Modifiers

When you enable a scene modifier, you enable it globally, meaning that now, each scene state will have this modifier available to be used, but each scene state can store different values for the modifier.

In the example below, we have 6 scene states, all with the same camera but with different values for the camera Lens/Angle.

Batch Add Cameras

The concept is the same for every type of scene modifier. You can check this page for more information about each of them.

Custom Property Modifier

Each scene modifier type holds some of the most common properties that you may want to change in a scene, but not all of them. For this, we have the Custom Property Modifier. You can check more about it in the Custom Properties Modifier section.

Custom Property Modifier

Sync Scene Values

Sync Scene Values

When activated, all scene modifiers will be updated with the current scene values when switching between scenes. If you make any changes directly to any scene property and there is a scene modifier responsible for it, the changes will be automatically updated in the scene state.


It also works with any custom property added using the Custom Properties Modifier.

Apply Property To All Scene State

This handy feature allows you to apply the value of any modifier property to all scene states at once. Just right-click the property of the scene modifier you want to apply to all scene states and select “Apply To All Scene States”.

Apply to All Scene State