Release Notes

06 Sep 2024: v1.0.6.2

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed copy scene state issue.

  • Removed max limit for clip_start (Camera modifier)

23 Aug 2024: v1.0.6.1

Bug Fixes

  • Error when creating scene state when there are multiple view3d areas.

03 Aug 2024: v1.0.6


  • Added support for Blender 4.2 Extensions.


  • Sync Scene Values Option: When activated, all scene modifiers will be updated with the current scene values when switching between scenes. If you make any changes directly in any scene property and there is a scene modifier responsible for it, the changes will be automatically updated in the scene state.

  • Object Visibility Toggles: Added all visibility toggles for the object visibility modifier.

UI Improvements

  • Re-ordered Scene States: Re-ordered the scene modifiers list by alphabetical order for better organization.

  • Scene Camera Name Display: Added an optional feature (can be activated in the add-on preferences) to display the name of the scene camera for each scene state.

  • Updated the “Select Scene Modifiers” menu.

New Scene Modifiers

  • Objects Action Modifier: Allows you to change the action of objects for each scene state.

  • Objects Transform Modifier: Allows you to change the transform of objects for each scene state.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the camera modifier was not automatically enabled by default after the last update.

  • When adding a new scene state, the new item is now automatically selected in the list.

23 Jun 2024: v1.0.5


This version includes changes to the add-on’s internal data structure. To ensure compatibility with current and future updates, after installing the new version, when opening a file previously saved with an older version of the add-on, the old internal structure will be automatically converted. If you encounter any issues during this process, please contact us.


  • Added all collection restriction toggles to the collection visibility modifier.

  • Added support for selecting any non-built-in render engine in the render scene modifier (e.g., Octane, LuxCore, etc.).

  • Updated add-on internal data structure for future improvements.


  • Fixed Python traceback that occurred when creating a scene state with a camera that is not in the current view layer.

  • Fixed issue related to adding custom properties from the lights node tree.

  • Fixed UI error that occurred when deleting collections, objects, and materials from a blend file before deleting their references from EasyStates.

15 Jun 2024: v1.0.4


  • When the active camera is in view, the scene state will be created using the scene camera instead of returning an error.


  • Added “Save Render Output” render property. Disable it to skip EasyStates output saving. This is useful if you want to use your own compositor output node configuration.

  • Added “Store Location and Rotation” camera modifier property

14 Jun 2024: v1.0.3


  • When creating a new scene state, each existing custom property will now preserve the current scene value. Previously, the default value from the last scene state would be forcibly applied.

  • Fixed a bug where adding a new Object/Collection visibility item changes the current object’s hide_render property.


  • Collection Visibility Modifier now supports the collection exclude property.

  • Added an auto-lock interface preference option. When active, it locks the interface during rendering to allocate more memory to the render process.

  • Added a safe viewport scene switch. When active, changing scene states in the viewport will automatically switch the viewport to solid mode, preventing unwanted freezes for complex scenes.

5 Jun 2024: v1.0.2

  • Added support for Blender 3.3 and higher

  • Updating method for detecting node_tree id_data to work with older Blender versions

3 Jun 2024: v1.0.1

  • Added version check module

  • Fixed issues when loading simplify on versions below 4.1

31 May 2024: v1.0.0

  • First close beta release of the addon.